Welcome to ICERSS 2025


Environmental social science is the broad, transdisciplinary study of interrelations between humans and the natural environment. Environmental social scientists work within and between the fields of anthropology, communication studies, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology; and also in the interdisciplinary fields of environmental studies, human ecology and political ecology, social epidemiology, among others.


2025 International Conference on Environment Research and Social Science (ICERSS 2025) will take place in Jeju Island, South Korea during April 25-27, 2025. The international event was supported by Korea Institute of Energy Technology, South Korea. This conference concentrates on findings of the original, either theoretical or applied research, which is suitable for international communication and exchange of scientific ideas. Industrial companies, incubators and investors are also welcome to join ICERSS. The conference will provide a platform for scholars to interact and find new opportunities for science and technology development.


Key Dates

Submission Deadline November 30, 2024
Acceptance Notification: December 25, 2024
Registration Deadline: January 10, 2025
Conference Dates: April 25-27, 2025


Submissions including full papers or abstract will be accepted via Electronic Submission System Please contact email address if you meet any question during submission.

Format Instructions

Authors are advised to prepare your full paper using the IJESD Paper Template or IJSSH Paper Template according to the main topic of your paper.

Co-sponsored by

Supported by


Peer reviewed and Accepted papers of ICERSS 2025 will be published into the following journals based on their topics:

International Journal of Environmental Science and Development (e-ISSN: 2972-3698; print-ISSN: 2010-0264), papers related to Environmental Engineering will be reviewed by both conference committess and IJESD editorial team, accepted papers will be published into regular issues of IJESD. The journal is now indexed by Scopus, Google Scholar, CNKI, ProQuest, EBSCO, etc

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity (e-ISSN: 2010-3646), papers related will be reviewed by both conference committess and IJSSH editorial team,accepted papers will be published into regular issues of IJSSH. The journal is now indexed by Google Scholar, Crossref.

  • Jeju Attractions

    함덕서우봉해변(함덕해수욕장) Hamdeok beach

    The water quality is clean and the water depth is moderate, making it a popular summer resort. The beach here is very clean, and the white sand is like white coral, making the sea even bluer.
    Address: 제주특별자치도 제주시 조천읍 조함해안로 519-10

  • Jeju Attractions

    제주돌문화공원 (Dolhareubang Park)

    The Stone Culture Park is located in Jeju Island, the hometown of Stone. It integrates stone culture into a comprehensive and systematic museum and ecological park.
    Address: 제주특별자치도 제주시 조천읍 남조로 2023

  • Jeju Attractions

    한라산 제주도 국가지질공원 (Halla Mountain Jeju Island National Geopark)

    Halla Mountain is a famous mountain that represents Jeju Island. It is also called Yeongju Mountain, which means it is so high that you can catch the Milky Way.
    Address: 제주특별자치도 제주시 1100로 2070-61

Join ICERSS 2025 Now

You could choose to register as author, presenter or delegate to attend the conference. Delegate registration can be completed via Electronic Registration System without submission of your full paper or abstract.